With its sizable 4.3″ true color touchscreen, the Nor150 offers smartphone-like usability.
Two measurement channels, an integrated web server, a camera, GPS, and sophisticated voice and text notes are among the additional features that bring the sophistication typically associated with laboratory instrumentation to the field. Take complete control of the instrument by connecting your smartphone to a pad that has the NorVirtual app installed. To your noise data, seamlessly integrate photos and voice notes taken with a smartphone or tablet using markers. Additionally, NorCloud, Nor850 software, NorRemote, and NorVirtual for PC can be used to control Nor150. You can download, view, and create excel reports of your measurements with NorConnect.
- Building acoustics with on board rating
- Environmental noise assessment
- Environmental noise monitoring (NorCloud)
- Sound Intensity
- Room acoustics – STIPA
- Product noise testing
- Noise in the workplace
- Infrasound
- Noise nuisance recorder
- Front end for Nor850
- General noise and vibration measurements
- High Precision Class 1 sound level meter and frequency analyser.
- Single or dual channel.
- Large colour touch-screen (4.3”).
- Real push keys for quick operation in challenging environments.
- Intuitive user interface with graphical icons for selection of measurement mode and custom-made user setups.
- On board Building Acoustic rating and evaluation.
- Built in webserver for communication through the internet from anywhere in the world via LAN, USB, WLAN, 3G/4G modem.
- Seamless integration with NorCloud and Nor850.
- Easy management of measurement files in NorConnect Nor1051.
- Voice and text notes, built in GPS and camera help you document your measurements.
- Wide frequency range for vibration and low frequency measurements (0,4 Hz – 20 kHz in 1/3 octave band).
- Parallel 1/3 octaves and FFT analysis
- 120 dB measurement range.
- dB and engineering units (m/s² and m/s).
- Extensive trigger system for reports, audio recording and camera.
- Multi language support.
- Extensive on-board help system.
- Easy remote control via smartphone.
- Type approved by LNE – FSrance, BEV – Austria, PTB – Germany, METAS – Switzerland