
Sarooma software for room acoustics

Sarooma software for room acoustics

With the Sarooma room acoustics software, targeted acoustics design is possible for 12 distinct national standards in 15 different languages. This user-friendly, straightforward Room Acoustics Calculator is accessible as a desktop Windows application (Windows App), a mobile app for tablets and smartphones (Mobile App), and an easy-to-use web application for websites (Web App).

Sarooma software for room acoustics

With the Sarooma room acoustics software, targeted acoustics design is possible for 12 distinct national standards in 15 different languages. This user-friendly, straightforward Room Acoustics Calculator is accessible as a desktop Windows application (Windows App), a mobile app for tablets and smartphones (Mobile App), and an easy-to-use web application for websites (Web App). It makes it possible to compute level reduction and reverberation times in octave bands ranging from 125 Hz to 4 kHz using the Sabine Diffuse Field Theory. The program is built upon a state-of-the-art database that includes over 3400 models of sound-absorbing goods from numerous reputable manufacturers. The Windows App is designed for professional planners and provides access to all absorber products available, whereas the Web App and Mobile App are geared towards manufacturers and solely feature their brand’s products (Public Data). The user can even input additional absorber product data (Private Data).


Web App
The Web App is compatible with websites owned by companies that produce room acoustic products. On those websites, users can create an acoustical room design based on the manufacturer’s absorbers. A PDF document can be created from the outcomes of this kind of design.

Mobile app for tablets, smartphones
For technical sales and distribution partners, the mobile app is the perfect tool on tablets and smartphones. Projects that comprise individual rooms can be saved and modified at a later time. The app, which can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, is an effective marketing tool that is ideal for manufacturers with a wide range of products. Results can once more be emailed or exported as a PDF document.

Windows App
The Windows App’s extensive feature set satisfies the needs of experienced engineers. It has a current database with more than 3400 sound-absorbing product variations from numerous reputable manufacturers (Public Data), and it is simple to add your own products to enhance the selection (Private Data). These enhanced absorbers can be easily shared with coworkers within an organization because they are synchronized to a private cloud. A specialized browser section featuring filters, a graphical tile overview, and free text search ensures a fast and confident (or simple) process of choosing the appropriate product. Utilizing database entries within SoundPLAN is also possible thanks to an interface for SoundPLANnoise.

Architectural input, reverberation time measurements (which include an import functionality for Norsonic and NTi devices), or a combination of the two can be used to inform the planning process. A project may include plans for multiple rooms.

The outcomes can be exported to a comprehensive Word document with product details for additional customization into a final report. This makes it simple to communicate with clients or other designers or artisans. The Windows App is accessible in German and English.

The calculations are based on Sabine’s reverberation time formula and are done in octaves within the frequency range of 125 Hz to 4 kHz.