Environmental Acoustics

Keep The Noise Down and Your Business Up

Psst…do you know?​

Environmental noise is defined as the unwanted or harmful outdoor sound created by human activity, such as noise was emitted through transport, road traffic rail traffic, air traffic and industrial activity. World Health Organization (WHO) identifies that noise pollution is an increasing problem but has not really been taken seriously enough by the people who have tended to prioritise other more pressing environmental issues. Environmental noise poses a risk to people’s health and quality of life because it can lead to physical and physiological effects.

Environmental acoustics is a field of study that involves assessing and mitigating the impact of noise on the environment. Some key areas of expertise within environmental acoustics include:

Transportation noise: This involves assessing and mitigating the impact of noise from roads, railways, airports and other transportation systems on the surrounding environment.

Industrial noise: This involves assessing and mitigating the impact of noise from industrial sources, such as factories, power plants, and mining operations, on the surrounding environment.

Construction noise: This involves assessing and mitigating the impact of noise from construction sites on the surrounding environment.

Wind turbine noise: This involves assessing and mitigating the impact of noise from wind turbines on the surrounding environment.

Marine noise: This involves assessing and mitigating the impact of noise from ships, oil rigs, and other marine activities on marine life and the surrounding environment.

Noise mapping: This involves using computer modelling to predict the distribution of noise in the environment and identifying areas where noise levels are likely to exceed acceptable limits.

Noise measurements: This involves using specialized equipment to measure noise levels in the environment and determining if they are within acceptable limits.

Noise abatement: This involves designing and implementing solutions to reduce noise levels in the environment, such as sound barriers, noise walls, and sound-absorbing materials

Risk assessment and management: This involves assessing the potential impacts of noise on human health and well-being, wildlife and natural resources and developing management plans to minimize these impacts.

Our independent acoustic engineers often work with government agencies, planners, architects, and other professionals to ensure that noise levels in the environment are within acceptable limits and the impact of noise on human health and the natural environment is minimized.

Our Services

Noise Monitoring

Geonoise provides a full range of noise monitoring services, short-term and long-term noise monitoring services. The monitoring system provides the client with a web-based monitoring system. Thus we will get a notification if the noise level exceeds the limits or local regulation.

Noise Prediction

Noise prediction is a powerful tool to asses noise from industry which has a large number of noise sources. Our Engineer use SoundPLAN to predict the noise propagation of existing and proposed facilities such as road traffic, railway, occupational places or industrial plant.  

Noise Study

The consultation service is a further step from the monitoring or noise modelling service, and it guides clients on the design and implementation of the observational analysis of the final result on the previous stage. Geonoise provides a variety of consultation based on the clients’ desired outcomes.

Vibration Monitoring

Noise from your industrial processes and machinery can damage the hearing of your employees and result in financial and asset losses for the company. Our Engineer provides a noise level measurement in your industry, the techniques is comply with the local regulation or any applicable regulations.

Do You Need Environmental Noise Experts in Your Project?